AML Free Registry Cleaner

It will safely clean and repair Windows Registry problems.


It's very common to hear about the Windows instability, the frecuent crashes that it suffers and the progressive permormance loss of the system.

Well, that's the case of most people who use the computer without taking too much care about it. But, is not that the idea? I mean, how good a system is if I have to take care of it all the time. Anyway, we don't want to be taking care of out systems all the time but we don't want them to failure either and a solution is needed. Free registry cleaner can be that solution and the best part is: you don't have to extra pay for it. As you might guess from its name, this tool is free of charge. And if your are thinking “no pay no gain”, think it again. This tool really does work!
A good idea to start working with this kind of “dangerous” tool (will explain this later) is to use the Wizard provided. This regular wizard will explain what to do and make suggestions about the best choices step by step. For instance, the first suggestion is to create a registry backup. Let me explain my self about “dangerous” tool. The system registry is the key part of the system and determines how it works. If you mess it up you're going to really want to go back in time. Since that you can't do, you can create the registry backup so when you are in trouble, you just restore it.
The next thing the Wizard asks you about is what sections to scan wich also dictates what kind of errors to look for. The default option is All sections, and again, it's a good piece of advice. Once you're done here, the Wizard will launch the scanning process and all you have to do is what – and not much by the way.
When the scanning finishes, a list (could be a large one) of problems is displayed. You can either choose to fix them all or fix a selection of them. Also you can make an Exclude list and you can Edit the registry entry. This last thing you don't really want to do unless you are a pretty advanced user. Trust me on this.

A disk cleaner is alsa available with this package. You access it by the Disk Cleaner button and besides selecting what disk you want to clean there's no much to do. You can clean files from four different categories, to know: Temporary files, Recent files, Temporary Internet files and Cookies.

This is a real solution for registry and disks cleaning, professional featured and for free!


  • It's free
  • It's good
  • It's easy-to-use with its wizard


  • Only English support
  • Dangerous access to registry edition
  • Malfunction backup tool
This program received 3 awards
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Riverman 10 years ago

Worked well until I upgraded and now it keeps activating itself when windows XP starts even after I disable the Startup. Now the computer will not shut down until I go into Task Manager and "end process" Need to undo the update without having to restore the computer back to a previous date.

Guest 10 years ago

It's actually a very safe registry and junk files cleaner and it also has an uninstaller too. I manage to uninstall manually certain programs in Microsoft office where no other uninstallers give you that options.It is very thorough but not too dangerous. I've never encounter my problems after using this for 7 months.

Guest 15 years ago

It has often sorted out my registry for me

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